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15 East Manhattan Boulevard
Toledo, OH 43608
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Robin Hopkins Director of Cemeteries
Eric Rumbaugh Family Service Advisor
Kathleen Price Administrative Assistant
Greg Drabeck Foreman
Dayvon Darden Family Environmental Specialist
Jacob Shinaver Family Environmental Specialist
Garret Lopez Family Environmental Specialist
Matt Thompson Family Environmental Specialist
Our mission is to provide guidance and wisdom on end of-life services. While we do charge for our services in what has become a very commercial industry, we are committed as a charity to offer innovative programs that provide financial assistance, free options, and programs to meet the needs of our faith community.
Mount Carmel cemetery is the oldest Catholic cemetery in Toledo. It is located at the corner of Lagrange Street and Manhattan Boulevard and has proudly served the Catholic families of north and east Toledo for over 100 years. As families have spread throughout the city, many have retained their burial rights at Mount Carmel. Its strong ethnic heritage and scenic beauty make Mount Carmel a cemetery of choice for many current and former residents of Toledo.
Mount Carmel was originally known as St. Mary's and St. Frances de Sales' Cemetery. In the mid 1930's extensive revisions were done which included the addition of 30-40 acres of ground space and a beautiful new grotto. It was then renamed Mt. Carmel Cemetery and subsequently consecrated by Bishop Karl J. Alter on November 1, 1936. Today it proudly serves as one of Toledo's three Diocesan Cemeteries.