How May We Help You Today?

Immediate Need Advanced Planning

A Changing Landscape for End-of-Life Services

In the past, parishioners would seek end-of-life guidance through the Church and Funeral Home. Today, choices are great, and services are fragmented. Without proper education and guidance, this can be an unorganized process, disrupting the grieving process and falling out-of-line with Catholic Funeral Traditions.

What is the CFCS Outreach Program?

This program assists in the education of parishioners and broader community on the Catholic Rites of The Order of Christian Funerals, the Mission Programs we provide and answering questions about end-of-life services and planning. Our Outreach Program started over 10 years ago as a request made by many parishes. From this request we have established a Parish Outreach Program and are extending this education to other community organizations.

Upcoming outreach presentations will be listed on our events page and will be featured in your parish bulletins. If you are interested in hosting an outreach event at your parish, please discuss with your parish staff directly and ask them to contact the CFCS Outreach Team to set up a date.

Upcoming Parish Outreach Dates

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Sharing The Moment

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Embracing New Traditions

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A Sanctuary For The Living

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How May We Help You Today?

Immediate Need Advanced Planning

How May We Help You Today?

Immediate Need Advanced Planning